Palestinian residents in Beit Oar al Fuqa
received with much detestation news of the Israeli arbitrary decision to
confiscate approximately 10 acres of their agricultural land for the building
of the Israeli apartheid wall (so-called separation fence). Nabeel Samara,
member of the Committee against the Apartheid Wall in Beit Oar al Fuqa
told Law Society that the building of the wall will deprive 400 students
from the village of going to school in nearby al Tira. Moreover, the wall
will isolate 8 Palestinian families from the rest of the village.
Samara also stated that the wall will
destroy the village's infrastructure. The impact of the wall on the villagers'
livelihoods will be catastrophic; trees will be uprooted, chicken and cattle
farms will be exterminated, and roads will be closed. The wall (1,840 meters
long and 12-55 meters wide) will block the only road connecting the village
with Ramallah and Jerusalem.
Law Society warns of the disastrous impact of the Israeli apartheid wall on the Palestinian community; the wall in Beit Oar al Fuqa will isolate the village and will deprive its residents of their livelihoods. Israel uses its apartheid wall to confiscate as much land as it could; Palestinian landowners are losing their lands and Palestinian areas are becoming more and more isolated and deprived of normal living.
Law Society believes that the Israeli apartheid wall is killing any chance of peace between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict will only end when an independent Palestinian state is established. Law Society calls upon the international community to intervene and stop the construction of the Israeli apartheid wall.
Law Society's remarks:
1. Israeli troops continue to commit crimes against Palestinian civilians;
2. Israeli troop continue to use excessive force and heavy weaponry against Palestinian civilians;
3. The international community and the signatory countries of the 4th Geneva Convention have not intervened to force Israel to comply with the Convention.
Law Society's demands
1. Israeli government to stop its crimes and collective punishment against Palestinian people;
2. An international investigation committee to be formed based on UN Security Council's Resolution number 1322 to investigate the Israeli crimes in the Palestinian territories;
3. The signatory countries of the 4th Geneva Convention to meet and take action to force Israeli to comply with the Convention;
4. Place Palestinian civilians under international protection; and
5. The International Community to immediately put an end to the Israeli crimes against Palestinian people and to immediately implement the relevant international resolutions.